Just like I love to freak out non-coal crackers by offering them scrapple, nothing blows their minds more than asking if they’d like a blind pigeon.

A blind pigeon is a cabbage roll.  I believe cabbage rolls are a staple of most all European and Eurasian ethnic cooking.  The difference is purely in the names it is given.

Truth be told, the more polite name we have is “halupki.”  If you’re from Andoshen, you might even call them “galumpkies”, which sounds more like how you’d describe an old drunk guy (“look at that galumpki over there!”).

Basically, you fill your cabbage roll with ground pork, ground beef, or both, along with some rice and saturate it in tomato sauce.  Boiling the cabbage will also saturate your wallpaper for days, which is why I can’t stand the stuff cooking in my house.


I suppose someone looked at this and said, “It kinda looks like a pigeon with its head blown off, like at the Hegins Pigeon Shoot” (thus rendering it blind).  As to the infamous Hegins Pigeon Shoot, don’t get me started …